5th place: Walt Disney.

When Walt first got a job as a cartoonist, he was fired from his job a week later, saying that he could not draw. After being fired, Disney and his friend had to spin like a squirrel in a wheel so as not to starve to death and along the way make cartoons that no one wanted to buy. As a result, their mini company went bankrupt, after which Walt fell into depression, suffered from a manic syndrome and experienced 8 nervous breakdowns. He failed after failure. For example, when the director came up with “Mickey Mouse” and showed it to the producer, he said that no one was interested in the mouse, that it would scare women. As a result, “Mickey Max” became not only a hit, but also one of the symbols of America. The first success came to Walt with the film “Snow White”, in this picture he earned $ 8,000,000. And now the turnover of the Disney studio is $107,000,000,000, which makes the company one of the largest in the world.
4th place: Vincent van Gogh.

Modern collectors value the cheapest Van Gogh paintings at tens of millions of dollars. If the artist himself could sell at least one of his paintings at today’s cost, he would have enough money to live comfortably until old age, but unfortunately, during the life of a genius, everything was not like that. In his entire life, van Gogh sold only one of his works, and even then to a close friend. The artist worked in a bookstore, studied at an art and religious school, was a preacher and a seller of paintings. Almost everywhere he was expelled for his quick temper and homeless appearance. As a result, the artist married a prostitute, after which the relatives turned away from him completely. Personal problems drove him to a psychiatric hospital. A term has even appeared in medicine – the “van Gogh” syndrome, which manifests itself in the fact that the patient wants to cut something off for himself.
3rd place: Albert Einstein.

His own mother considered Albert underdeveloped, and for good reason. The boy did not speak until the age of 3, was lazy and retarded, at the age of 7 he spoke barely intelligibly. At the same time, as a baby, he and his uncle studied geometry textbooks, which the same mother resisted, believing that for a 5-year-old child, love for the exact sciences would not turn out to be anything good. At school, Albert was constantly offended, he was sloppy and did not like noisy games. He was more to his liking to build houses of cards and do something himself. The boy studied so-so and the teachers often said that nothing good would come of this eccentric. Einstein entered the university only on the second attempt and did not study there very well either, and after graduation, the professors said that it was better for him not to do science. For a long time, the guy was not mine to find a permanent job, because of which he even had to starve and not eat anything at all for several days. Even when he got a job at the university and began to develop his theory of relativity, things weren’t perfect. Almost every year he was a contender for the “Nobel Prize”, but he was always beaten by someone else. As a result, only in 1922 he was nevertheless given the Nobel. And that is not for his theory of relativity, but for the theory of the photoelectric effect. And only over time, society appreciated how great was his contribution to science. Today, Einstein is one of the 10 most influential people of all time, and the laws that he discovered are only now being applied in technology.
2nd place: Jack Ma.

How many Chinese companies do you know? But there is at least one company from China that almost everyone who has the Internet has heard of, and this is AliExpress. It was founded by Jack Ma. From school, they didn’t really believe in Jack’s success, according to the billionaire, he failed school tests 4 times, and the only subject he taught was English. Despite the poor performance, the guy after school 10 times applied to the university and 10 times he was sent. Then he tried 10 times to get a job and no one wanted to accept him. When Ma wanted to do business, he was abandoned by all the partners saying that nothing good could come of it. And in truth, the translation agency that Jack founded worked at a loss for 3 whole years, but the guy believed that sooner or later success would come. And in order to somehow pay the rent of the house, he, like a drug addict, took things out of the house and sold them. As a result, the company became the largest translation agency in the city. Approximately the same thing happened when Ma decided to create AliExpress, one must understand that then in China only a few computers could afford, and the Internet was such that it took several hours to load one page. Therefore, few people believed in the possibility of the world wide web.
And when Jack tried to find investors, no one wanted to give money. There was nothing to do and then Ma decided to act on his own, his whole company consisted of one computer and one room in his own apartment. But everyone already knows how this story ended. Jack became the richest man in China with a net worth of over $30,000,000,000.
1st place: Colonel Sanders.

Today, the second largest fast food chain in the world after Macdonald’s is KFS, and it was founded by Harled Sanders. A man with an interesting and complex fate. Harland’s father died when the boy was only 5 years old. And in order to feed the family, the mother constantly worked, and Harled had to cook food on his own. But in order to run a household, he often had to skip school and was eventually expelled after the 7th grade. Without secondary education and material assistance, he could not enter a university and find a normal job. Wherever Sanders did not settle down, once he was even kicked out of the position of a fireman. As a result, by the age of 40, he never found a normal job, but managed to save up some pennies for which he bought a small tire fitting shop near the highway, and opened a canteen nearby in which he cooked chicken for clients. The visitors liked the taste of the chicken and news of the canteen spread throughout America. But then they built another track, all the drivers went over there, the tire shop went bankrupt, the property went under the hammer for debts, and Sanders was left with nothing at the age of 60. Being on the verge of suicide, he thought about what he can do and came to the conclusion that he is best able to fry chicken. And at the age of 62, this beggar Grandfather decided to start all over again. He made a mixture of seasonings for frying at home, poured it into a bag, took a frying pan with him and went to nearby eateries. Coming to the restaurant, Sanders asked permission to fry a chicken for 15 minutes in front of the owner, and then put this chicken on the menu and sell products under his brand. All the restaurants that collaborated with him became known as KFC and unfastened 5 cents to Sanders from each portion sold. This went on for almost 10 years, by that time a bunch of KFC establishments had opened, but the age of the old man was already over 70, and every year it was more difficult to run around the country with a bag and a frying pan. According to this