Photos of unusual things that few would see if there were no Internet

If it seems to you that you probably saw everything and it will be difficult to surprise you, then you should definitely look at these photos.

1. This is the cap from the roof of the Illinois State Capitol. Each hole is a trace of a lightning strike

2. Chassis after an emergency landing. None of the passengers was injured

3. A giant jellyfish with the size of a man

4. A dog named Lucky from Thailand has a colour that the internet has never seen

5. Here is a new car covered by “rust” film

6. Starfish with 4 rays. Yes, they exist

7. Hail with the size of an orange

8. Blue Glacier in Yakutia (Russia) does not even melt in the heat and serves the locals as a beach

9. Staircase with optical illusion

10. Hummingbird feather compared to a coin

11. Lake Michigan “broke” into millions of ice fragments

12. A bee that accidentally “ruined” the frame during shooting

13. A dog covered in Holi festival powder seems to be on fire

14. Perhaps the legend of the flying horse Pegasus was born

15. The result of a lightning strike on asphalt is a 6-inch pit

16. In one of the libraries, a piece of stone is stored as a pet

17. This leaf on Mount Rainier has lost its foliage

18. How the popcorn will look like if cooked right on the cob of corn

19. The size that ammonites could take 400 million years ago

20. This is a living tomato. The complete root system is visible from below