1. Halloween is one of the oldest holidays that has existed for about 2000 years.

2. Halloween has other names: Eve of All Saints’ Day, Samhain, Feast of the Dead, Day of the Dead.

3. Ireland is traditionally considered the homeland of Halloween.

4. When Christianity came to England and continental Europe, November 1 became known as “All Saints’ Day” and was dedicated to those saints who do not have their own special day to honor. On this day, the so-called “Mass of All Saints” was served, and the night before it was called “All Hallows’ Eve” – All Hallows E’en, abbreviated – Hallowe’en. By the way, the correct spelling of the name of the holiday is exactly that, not the usual Halloween.

5. When the Romans conquered England, they combined the traditional local festival of Samhain with their own – the Pomona harvest festival and the commemoration of the dead Farelians.