1. The head of the country is the prime minister.

2. Also in Australia there is a debate about a new flag – which may no longer be the British Union Jack.
3. There is also an “Aboriginal Flag” in Australia, it has become official not so long ago. Now even at school it hangs next to the usual Australian flag.
4. They try to help the natives here, there are special educational institutions, social assistance.
5. There are many alcoholics, criminals, hooligans among the natives.

6. The traffic here is left-handed, and the cars, respectively, are right-hand drive, as in the UK, Ireland and Japan.
7. Very good roads.
8. Old people often drive such small cars, something between a car and a wheelchair.
9. Being an immigrant here is completely normal, since more than half of Australians are immigrants, or children of immigrants, or grandchildren of immigrants.
10. Day of death, who tragically died in 2006, naturalist Steve Irwin in Australia is considered a universal day of mourning.