1. About 99% of pumpkins are sold before Halloween and are used to make “jack lanterns”.

2. “Jack’s lanterns” came from an Irish tradition. Here it was customary to gut turnips, cut faces out of them and put a candle inside.

3. According to legend, the name “Jack’s lantern” comes from the name of the young man Jack, who was too stingy to enter heaven and too wayward to join the Devil in hell. As a consolation, the Devil threw him a smoldering coal, which Jack put in an undereaten turnip. It is believed that Jack uses this coal to light his way and find a place of peace.

4. According to another legend, the Devil punished stingy Jack for cheating him several times. For this, he was barred from both heaven and hell. He was doomed to wander the earth and lead people astray with his lantern.

5. If you see a spider on Halloween, it means that one of the deceased loved ones has come to you in his image.