1. Currently, NASA is developing the Star Trek project, the purpose of which is to create an engine based on the model of the space-time continuum (refraction of space in time), in the future, the use of similar technologies will allow astronauts to be transported to Alpha Centauri (the second closest star to the Sun) in 2 weeks.

2. A survey conducted in 1997 showed that Americans believed that NASA funding was at least 20% of the federal budget. In fact, since 1975, NASA has received about one cent from every dollar received in the budget. They currently receive 0.005% of every dollar.
3. After the disaster associated with the fall of the space probe Challenger (1986), NASA leaders said that calculations showed the minimum percentage of failure of the apparatus as 1:100,000, but Richard Feynman (theoretical physicist) found that NASA engineers independently estimated the chances of a disaster to be higher exactly closer to 1:200, which was not mentioned.

4. Lonna Johnson, the inventor of the Super Soaker water gun, was involved in the development of the Stealth bomber for the US Air Force and the Galileo mission to Jupiter for NASA.
5. Neil Armstrong’s application for participation in the NASA project was a week late. But thanks to the efforts of his friend Dick Day, the document ended up in the common pile of other applicants for consideration, otherwise his participation in the project would have been doomed.